January 27  SEONews

Should You Still Use WordPress? – Search Engine Journal

The last year has been quite eventful within the WordPress ecosystem, marked by discussions and disputes that have prompted some to question the long-term sustainability of the platform and consider exploring alternative solutions.

However, when you dive deeper into these concerns, they pale in comparison to WordPress’s enduring strengths as a product and its unmatched versatility in the CMS space.

Market Share Is Sustained

The first version of WordPress was released on May 27, 2003. Its unique architecture, combined with it being open source, saw a surge in popularity – now dominating (as of December 2024) 43.7% of the CMS market share.

This growth has also been steady despite the emergence of other CMSs including Shopify, Wix and Squarespace. But none of these are open-source.

Not “Just Another” CMS

WordPress’ unique architecture, which allows plugin and theme extendibility, combined with the power of open-source, means it can scale far beyond the blogging platform it was…

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMif0FVX3lxTE5tVXJGUW1yMTZqOGlXTF9PR3ZEMGt2U0V2Z1B2RV9ZTUdBQ0ZiOGpLbVVVdF9LTUF6ZmYxOUVIeFNvX0R1TWM2Rl9mcDdDQlVpVnUtTzdtSTVVTzAyaGQtTEVyVTE5dGs1VVg4U25fYjU4bVpGNXNlc3IyazFXNVE?oc=5

The post Should You Still Use WordPress? – Search Engine Journal first appeared on One SEO Company News.

source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2025/01/27/should-you-still-use-wordpress-search-engine-journal_2025012759981.html

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