January 07  SEONews

Report: Google SPN Placement Have A 37% Lower ROAS vs Google Search – Search Engine Roundtable

Google Ads SPN, search partner network, has a 37% lower ROAS, return on ad spend when compared to Google Search ads, directly. Mike Ryan wrote this on LinkedIn, saying, “SPN is a budget buy. It doesn’t convert as well, but it also doesn’t cost as much. I crunched the numbers for you, and the Shopping via SPN has a ROAS 37% lower than Google Search.”

Mike explained that prior to March 2024, Performance Max Placements were rare, accounting for one-tenth of a percent of campaign impressions – and most commonly zero percent. Then after March 2024, the number “skyrocketed” to a median of 5.3% he wrote. “These impressions are not limited to GO&O, but also lots of website impressions,” he added.

Here is a chart he made of that:

He added that this is not just a PMax thing, it is across the Google Ad network. “This is NOT just a PMax thing. I looked at 8.5 million Shopping impressions on Black Friday and found they were 5.4% SPN – almost identical to the median value of PMax,” he wrote….

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihAFBVV95cUxQZTV5M2d2cHZUZzdQRG1qWkl4ZDR2WWtJaTNNM0dTdDNUUi1zRkppaHhva2QySzhUVldBczZtWDFzQ2lVVlFPbUFXS3FJbktDa2dfalptbFJoNFRHR0REQUxLeVp3UGxRMXd3ajBPSnRPc2p1N05aS2JQWmpxWEE5dDRrZmM?oc=5

The post Report: Google SPN Placement Have A 37% Lower ROAS vs Google Search – Search Engine Roundtable first appeared on One SEO Company News.

source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2025/01/07/report-google-spn-placement-have-a-37-lower-roas-vs-google-search-search-engine-roundtable_2025010759774.html

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