July 26  SEONews

OpenAI begins testing its search engine – htxt.africa

  • OpenAI is testing SearchGPT with a small set of users.
  • The search engine will help users find information quickly and will build context with each query.
  • OpenAI says it’s working with publishers but it appears that SearchGPT will be stealing traffic from websites rather than directing users to them.

After scraping the internet for as much training data as it can, OpenAI is now putting that knowledge to use and has built a search engine.

SearchGPT – which gets zero points in the original name category – is a new prototype “designed to combine the strength of our AI models with information from the web” according to OpenAI. For now testing is limited to a small group of users so that OpenAI can garner feedback and use the learnings to improve its other products.

“Getting answers on the web can take a lot of effort, often requiring multiple attempts to get relevant results. We believe that by enhancing the conversational capabilities of our models with real-time information from the…

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidkFVX3lxTE1oSUFTVUJWeU9qWHFtTzY1T2tzVXFxTUp3NEkwRDJ4WlRIaWRwZTF3azZxbVlZNFBUaU4tYW1xSHRoTHYyTTdEcE9rY2ZMMGVLaEZBenVydVdhWkpEOEpNMF9hbjJmR3JzNUNORDlTSHhTWXJ0NGc?oc=5

The post OpenAI begins testing its search engine – htxt.africa first appeared on One SEO Company News.

source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2024/07/26/openai-begins-testing-its-search-engine-htxtafrica_2024072657574.html

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