December 10, 2024  SEONews

News publishers ask DOJ to investigate Google search algorithm changes – The Desk

An industry group representing some of the largest news publishers on the Internet has fired off a letter to federal prosecutors and trade regulators encouraging them to investigate search algorithm changes made by Google in recent months.

The changes, as described by Google, were intended to help raise the visibility of original journalism while reducing the ranking of articles whose purpose was to spam readers into making purchases through affiliate links, which earn commissions for web publishers.

Over the years, the use of affiliate links has helped small bloggers, independent journalists and small content publishers generate revenue through commissions earned when a product or service is reviewed or mentioned. The use of affiliate links has grown with the adoption of ad blockers, which has chipped away at publisher revenues.

In recent times, larger publishers like Advanced Publications (Condé Nast), Hearst Corporation (Hearst Magazines, Hearst Television), Paramount Global

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The post News publishers ask DOJ to investigate Google search algorithm changes – The Desk first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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