Mozilla Partners with Ecosia Search Engine – WebProNews
Mozilla is partnering with Ecosia, the climate-first search engine, making it a default option in some markets in Europe.
Ecosia is a search engine that provides results from the leading search engines, including Bing, Google, Wikipedia, and Yahoo. The company gives users control over their own privacy, as well as the level of customization they want from the source search engines.
The feature that most sets Ecosia apart, however, is that it uses 100% of its profits to plant trees, working with local organizations to “restore and protect biodiversity hotspots.” The company has planted 222 million trees in more than 35 countries.
Mozilla is partnering with Ecosia to make it one of the default options in the list of search engines included with the Firefox web browser.
Your tech choices matter more than ever. That’s why at Mozilla, we believe in empowering users to make informed decisions that align with their values. In that spirit, we’re excited to announce we’re growing our…
The post Mozilla Partners with Ecosia Search Engine – WebProNews first appeared on One SEO Company News.
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