Local SEO in 2025: banes, blessings, and predictions – Search Engine Land
The bane of making local search predictions is that local SEOs and local business owners simply don’t control so much of the online environment in which we work. The blessing is that some aspects of our industry have hardly changed at all since the dawn of commerce, making them at least somewhat predictable and dependable.
Prepare your team for the year ahead by keeping a close eye on the following core trends and stories:
Protect your local customers amid deregulation and monopoly
In August of 2024, a U.S. judge ruled that Google had violated antitrust law and created an illegal monopoly. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland hailed the ruling as a “historic win for the American people”, and while Google quickly responded with a public notice of its intent to appeal the ruling, SEOs began speculating on what a Google breakup might mean for our search environment.
Now, with a change of government administration, multiple news outlets now foretell that Google will not be broken up….
The post Local SEO in 2025: banes, blessings, and predictions – Search Engine Land first appeared on One SEO Company News.
source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2024/12/31/local-seo-in-2025-banes-blessings-and-predictions-search-engine-land_2024123159720.html
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