January 23  SEONews

It looks like Microsoft has yet another anti-Google trick up its sleeve – Digital Trends

Microsoft drew attention at the beginning of this month for showing rather misleading Google-style search bar when users searched for the rival engine on Bing. Now, it appears the company is targeting the Chrome browser as well. Spotted by Windows Latest, some users may see a big banner pushing Edge when they search for Chrome while using Microsoft’s browser.

The real dodgy part, however, is the fact that this banner just happens to partially hide the Chrome download link behind a “See more” button.

I wasn’t able to replicate this myself so I can’t comment on whether it’s still up, but experiments like this aren’t always pushed to everyone. As you can see from Windows Latest’s image, however, most of the Chrome link is faded out and looks pretty easy to miss.

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Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiggFBVV95cUxOX3pNZ2ZOTlRYTFc4eFRXczVlWEZ0bVVlSjYwQWtldGNiUC1wQmx5ODZGeVNLYlBUd2FQS2FxVjc4cVBRUjdhMktlMXRNeUtlTS1BNHVManBTQzhKaEF5RlR0Vk9wZVRBTHM4SzFVRDFBREIwczRLRnEwUXM1cXN4NGNB?oc=5

The post It looks like Microsoft has yet another anti-Google trick up its sleeve – Digital Trends first appeared on One SEO Company News.

source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2025/01/23/it-looks-like-microsoft-has-yet-another-anti-google-trick-up-its-sleeve-digital-trends_2025012359942.html

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