February 03  SEONews

How volatile have Google rankings really been? – Search Engine Land

Some things in life are constant – Google rankings aren’t one of them.

If you’ve been paying attention (or just reading this website), you’ve likely noticed that rankings are becoming increasingly unstable. Industry veterans, with years of context, may feel this shift the most.

That’s why I believe SEO is evolving into something new.

What that means – and whether the industry is adapting well – is a discussion for another time (TL;DR: we’re not doing great, but we’re not failing either. Change is hard).

One key driver of this shift is SERP instability.

What I’d like to do here is explore that notion and give some concrete facts.

The average level of volatility in 2024

Rank was 26% more volatile in 2024 than in 2023.

It’s not as simple as it sounds, which is why we’ll look at multiple metrics to create a data picture as best we can.

However, if you looked at how much rank volatility increased in 2024 and compared it to how much it either increased or decreased in 2023, the answer…

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMickFVX3lxTE1fY1NuTmc1Zkl0ZkZycWxScmdrc0ZONmp5cG1BY3JzOWE4cXBvajIwOUQwaWExRFFDNjZLblZjSjRkTnJLZ3VjTlVyMC1ZbHBxeDc0MlZtWWRuY3N4TFhvSWQ1N1BVVUZZdlFDMHBmeGFTQQ?oc=5

The post How volatile have Google rankings really been? – Search Engine Land first appeared on One SEO Company News.

source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2025/02/03/how-volatile-have-google-rankings-really-been-search-engine-land_2025020360030.html

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