January 08 SEONews
Google Year End Bobble Head Gifts – Search Engine Roundtable
Google may have gifted some or many Googlers, Google employees, custom bobble head figurines of themselves. Here is one I found on Instagram where the Googler, who is based in the Chicago office, said, “I just received this at Google for end of year.”
I mean, cute idea?
This post is part of our daily Search Photo of the Day column, where we find fun and interesting photos related to the search industry and share them with our readers..
The post Google Year End Bobble Head Gifts – Search Engine Roundtable first appeared on One SEO Company News.
source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2025/01/08/google-year-end-bobble-head-gifts-search-engine-roundtable_2025010859778.html
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