Google Shows How To Fix LCP Core Web Vitals – Search Engine Journal
Barry Pollard, the Google Chrome Web Performance Developer Advocate, explained how to find the real causes of a poor Lowest Contentful Paint score and how to fix them.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
LCP is a core web vitals metric that measures how long it takes for the largest content element to display in a site visitors viewport (the part that a user sees in a browser). A content element can be an image or text.
For LCP, the largest content elements are block-level HTML elements that take up the largest space horizontally, like paragraph <p>, headings (H1 – H6), and images <img> (basically most HTML elements that take up a large amount of horizontal space).
1. Know What Data You’re Looking At
Barry Pollard wrote that a common mistake that publishers and SEOs make after seeing that PageSpeed Insights (PSI) flags a page for a poor LCP score is to debug the issue in the Lighthouse tool or through Chrome Dev Tools.
Pollard recommends sticking around on PSI because it…
The post Google Shows How To Fix LCP Core Web Vitals – Search Engine Journal first appeared on One SEO Company News.
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