Google search rankings correlate with ChatGPT mentions: study – Search Engine Land
Google rankings seem to correlate with brand mentions in ChatGPT’s AI-generated answers, according to a new study published by digital marketing agency Seer Interactive.
Why we care. Brands want to be discoverable in LLMs. Optimizing for LLMs (a.k.a., generative engine optimization) is a new frontier and is not exactly the same as optimizing for classic organic search. However, ultimately, answer engines or search engines want to give users answers. So it may be good news that if you’re creating high-quality, relevant content, your brand is more likely to be visible in both.
What they found. Google rankings seemed to matter, but backlinks and content variety did not, according to authors Christina Blake and Nick Haigler:
- “Brands ranking on page 1 of Google showed a strong correlation (~0.65) with LLM mentions. Bing rankings also mattered but less so (~0.5–0.6).
- We expected backlinks to play a big role, but their impact was weak or even neutral.
- Multi-modal content didn’t move the…
The post Google search rankings correlate with ChatGPT mentions: study – Search Engine Land first appeared on One SEO Company News.
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