February 05  SEONews

Google Search Ranking Volatility Hits February 4th & 5th – Search Engine Roundtable

I am seeing a lot of renewed chatter within the SEO industry of a possible unconfirmed Google search ranking update touching down in the past 24-hours or so. The weird thing is that the tools are not really showing much of a spike in volatility but the chatter seems incredibly high.

Previously we reported ranking volatility on Jan 29th and 30th and then over the previous weekend, prior to that Janaury 20th and this is all when some tools hade tracking difficulties.

Now I am seeing a lot of chatter:

SEO Chatter

Most of the chatter is coming from within this site, in this post and this post but I am also seeing chatter on WebmasterWorld.

Here are some select quotes:

I hesitate when I type this however I have just seen my 9th consecutive day of averages improvement.

My Jan 1-25 v Jan 26 to Feb 3 has seen +44% in both page views and visitors and this increase is being seen again today.

The most noticeable difference though is visitor engagement viewing and researching more pages like…

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifEFVX3lxTE5fbnZWNjdPQnVIa2Z1bFhUUWhXeFRkNXNHcXFSd0lrWXUzMHc4VTlJQXN5Y3JuZzNWOEtVQ1YySU1IMDVnZ0t5Zll3Z3puODNrS1daNnhGYl9Ia29RNm44cVVleHFnTDhPck5TZTh4b0NQMHJZMTQwREY0VWI?oc=5

The post Google Search Ranking Volatility Hits February 4th & 5th – Search Engine Roundtable first appeared on One SEO Company News.

source: https://news.oneseocompany.com/2025/02/05/google-search-ranking-volatility-hits-february-4th-5th-search-engine-roundtable_2025020560052.html

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