Google Confirms Business Profile Reviews Outage – Search Engine Journal
Google confirms a Business Profiles reviews outage and says they are working on a fix.
Google confirmed an outage in business profile reviews that has resulted in missing reviews for many local business profiles and is working toward fixing the problem.
Google Business Profile
Google Business Profiles are a way for local businesses to add their business to Google and have it show up in local search and Google Maps. It also allows businesses to manage how their site shows up in search, enabling Google to show accurate information about hours, website, contact information, images and reviews.
The reviews is a feature that allows users to share their experiences with businesses. It’s a useful way for businesses to increase earnings through positive word of mouth.
GBP Reviews Outage
Google Business Profile reviews have gone missing, which is bad news for businesses because of how influential reviews are for building trust.
A Googler …
The post Google Confirms Business Profile Reviews Outage – Search Engine Journal first appeared on One SEO Company News.
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