September 26  SEONews

Google AI search reaches Australia – AdNews

Google’s new AI search, feared by some publishers as a referral traffic killer, is being tested in Australia.

AI Overviews will first be shown to a small group of users first before being rolled out, according to industry inisders.

The digital giant in May announced it is deploying Gemini, its AI, to provide answers, not links, to queries, which could mean a sharp fall in referrals via links to news articles from Google search.

The AI search function appears to have a negative impact on the visibility of news sites, according to a study.

Consultancy Authoritas, which analysed 6,599 keywords, says the search will significantly alter how results pages work, making it harder to determine which page ranks number one.

The big fear is that news websites, which have spent years fine-tuning their articles and keywords to place them at the top of searches, will find themselves relegated to the second tier or disappear from the main search.

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The post Google AI search reaches Australia – AdNews first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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