September 24  SEONews

WP Engine C&D Alleges “Coercive Threats” By Mullenweg – Search Engine Journal

WP Engine issued a cease and desist letter to Matt Mullenweg, demanding he stop making ‘false, misleading, and disparaging statements’ and cease using his position at to benefit his for-profit company, Automattic. The letter refutes Mullenweg’s public accusations and outlines his demands for tens of millions of dollars to avoid taking a ‘nuclear approach’ against WP Engine.

A screenshot of a text message by Mullenweg states:

If you’re saying “next week” that’s saying “no”, so I will proceed with the scorched earth nuclear approach to WPE

Thank you for the clarity, it gives me time to work on things and hone my message.

WP Engine Cease And Desist

Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress and CEO of the for-profit Automattic, posted on Reddit and in a Slack channel that WordPress had initiated litigation against WordPress and himself. It was later revealed that WP Engine had in fact filed a Cease and Desist request (C&D).

The C&D document, sent to the Automattic…

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The post WP Engine C&D Alleges “Coercive Threats” By Mullenweg – Search Engine Journal first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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