September 26  SEONews

WordPress Bans Thousands Of WP Engine Customers – Search Engine Journal

WordPress decision to ban WP Engine & thousands of sites described by Robert Scoble as “universally hated”

WordPress banned WP Engine, a managed WordPress web host, blocking thousands of websites from adding or updating plugins and themes. Technology writer Robert Scoble described the decision as “universally hated in tech” and that out of hundreds of posts on the subject almost none was on Mullenweg’s side on the issue.

What Happened

Matt Mullenweg, co-creator of WordPress, accused WP Engine of infringing on their trademarks and demanded tens of millions of dollars in compensation. Things came to a head on the last day of the recent WordCamp WordPress conference when Mullenweg gave WP Engine until 4:30 PM that day to comply with his demands. Failure to agree to those demands led to a public shaming of WP Engine by Mullenweg and the subsequent ban of WP Engine. Bans WP Engine

In a post titled WP Engine is…

Read Full Story:

The post WordPress Bans Thousands Of WP Engine Customers – Search Engine Journal first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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