September 12  SEONews

Search engine DuckDuckGo suggests ‘how to beat Google’ – GIGAZINE(ギガジン)

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 12:00 Sep 13, 2024, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Since the August 2024ruling that ‘Google is violating antitrust laws in the search market,’ the debate over how to improve Google’s illegal dominance in the search market has been ongoing. DuckDuckGo, a search engine that has a policy of not tracking users, has proposed technical intervention measures that would effectively curb Google’s dominance in search.

Creating Enduring Competition in the Search Market

According to DuckDuckGo, it is not impossible to establish a permanent competitive landscape in the search market, encouraging new entrants and innovation so that multiple competitors can capture significant market share.

However, DuckDuckGo points out that there is no silver bullet that can eliminate Google’s multiple…

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The post Search engine DuckDuckGo suggests ‘how to beat Google’ – GIGAZINE(ギガジン) first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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