September 26  SEONews

Four Reasons You Can’t Ignore Branded SEO in 2025 – Search Engine Journal

This post was sponsored by Similarweb. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

According to Rand Fishkin:

‘For most small and medium businesses and newer creators/publishers, SEO is likely to show poor results until you’ve established credibility, navigational demand, and a strong reputation among a sizable audience.’

In other words, if you want to build organic traffic, build your brand.

The question is how do search engines measure brand, and what does that mean to your SEO?

In this post, I’ll dig into what influence SEOs have over brand-building, and show you:

  • Why branded SEO is an untapped opportunity you should grab with both hands.
  • How brand in SEO differs from traditional brand strategy.
  • Ways you can educate Google about your brand.

Branded SEO, An Untapped Opportunity

Branded SEO remains a largely untapped SEO opportunity. It’s untapped because, as SEOs, we’re trained to ignore branded traffic. However, by ignoring branded search, you are potentially…

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The post Four Reasons You Can’t Ignore Branded SEO in 2025 – Search Engine Journal first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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