September 17  SEONews

4 initiatives to combat AI-driven SEO traffic losses – Search Engine Land

There seems to be a consensus in SEO that AI Overviews (AIO) and other AI-driven content will reduce traffic to external websites.

Even Google is open about AIO’s goal of keeping users on the SERP longer, which means more time with Google and less time with your business.

No matter how good your SEO strategy is, you’re likely heading toward (or already experiencing) erosion of traffic beyond your control.

That sucks. Point-blank, period.

OK, that’s done. Now, let’s talk about how to cope.

We’re leading our clients toward four main initiatives:

Here’s how we’re approaching each.

1. Digital PR and content distribution

For many brands, Google is the primary platform for their content distribution.

If you’re in that boat – and even if you’re dutifully adapting and cross-posting your content on LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. – it’s time to get more resourceful on the distribution…

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The post 4 initiatives to combat AI-driven SEO traffic losses – Search Engine Land first appeared on One SEO Company News.


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